Monday, October 27, 2008

Oh How Fortunate We Are

It seems like everywhere I go, there is some reminder, some person, tv show, article or else reminding me that our country is in a terrible place right now. Stocks are terrible, people are losing their retirements and their homes and everyone is worried - on both sides - about the coming election and whose vision of "change" will win out. And of course if it will pay out.

It's easy to get caught up in all of it and to worry about the state of our savings and our pending lack of home equity and how to afford all the gifts we want to purchase for Christmas. I did. I was caught up in it. I just blogged about my lust for a $300 dinosaur. Sheesh.

And then I got a gentile reminder of how very fortunate we are from Jen at
one plus two. I "found" Jen's blog through Redneck Mommy a few months ago and was fascinated with the journey she is about to embark on. I'd detail it here, but she does a much better job of it on her own site, so hop over if you care to learn more. The quick and dirty is that she is planning on moving with her family to the Belizean jungle to live a life free of commercialism and modern luxuries. But currently, her little village and all the folks who are already becoming her new extended family is under water. Really makes me see how that $300 could be more than a little better spent. So I donated. Not much by our standards, but what I could, and I've been assured that in that part of the world the money will go much farther than it would here.

I'm not asking everyone I know to run to her site and donate your little hearts out (although it would be nice if you are so inclined), nor do I want or need a reminder that there are plenty facing hardships in our own backyards (yes, I'm also working my tookas off for Fin's school's Christmas-family-adoptapalooza). But I just thought it would be nice for everyone to remember someone else in this holiday season fast approaching. Donate in someone's name instead of giving a gift. Pick a name, or two or three, off that tree at church - and if you don't have a church, find someone who does and ask them to grab you one. Drop a toy off in one of the boxes that are already popping up all over town. Just do something nice for someone you don't know.

And, although it kills me to say this, please return the Kota dinosaurs you bought for Fin and Dash and send the money to someone who really needs it...


Sister Janet M. Purcell, IHM said...

Good Morning,
I am so proud of you and will go to the other blog. Maggie you are so on target - you learned that from your Mom and Dad as I do remember years ago when you were little they would pick a name at church and do so much for that family. And you know what - they got even more out of it. And now I realize that it has passed on to you and Brooks. Thanks so much for being you!

jandjwagy said...

Hi Maggs,

Great idea. Right after the honeymoon, Jonathan and I spoke about the Christmas giving tree and about how we really wanted to to participate in it. Every week I check out the bulletin for updates as to when it starts. It really is a great opportunity to do something good for families in the local community. I think it's wonderful that you donated the dinosaur money. That must have hurt (and felt wonderful at the same time). Keep updating the blogs, I love reading them when I am supposed to be working!



Girlplustwo said...

thank you. truly. so much.