Wednesday, February 25, 2009

And...the Belly!

Ok, I totally should have titled that "the hiney". Heh. It wasn't till I looked at these right next to eachother that I realized that I think there's more difference in the back then in the front. I confronted the hubs to get his opinion. He told me I was being silly, it must have just been the pants. I told him that he was making me feel like I was being crazy. He told me he likes the current size of my derriere. And yes, just ANOTHER reason I married him. So, here we go...

5 Week Belly - Otherwise known as "no belly". Don't mind Dash on my leg. He's always there anyway. These were my favorite skinny jeans. Not as in skinny cut, but the smallest size in existence in my closet. Once upon a time they were known as "goal jeans". It was with a great deal of sadness that I relegated them back to that status in the back of the shelf. But I wore them every day of week 5 until my muffin top runneth over and it was time to say goodbye...
11 Week Belly - Growing belly(...and hiney) This was the first week that I sort of "popped" a little...
And 14 Week Belly - (aka: last Thursday) And bootie. Definitely getting bigger. Still able to wear most of my pre-preggo clothes. I'm really hoping I can stave off the jump to maternity as long as possible. It's so funny how with your first you can't wait to show and wear maternity stuffs and with your third? Well, if you never see another elastic waist or belly panel it will be too soon :)


Liz said...

ahhh...cute..I'm with you on the hoping to stay in regular clothes as long as possible...

Joasia said...

Yay, Belly! :)