Thursday, November 02, 2006

For Fin at Eleven Months

My Dearest Baby Boy,

Eleven Months! Almost a year! I can't even believe it. On one hand it feels like you've been with me forever, and on the other it seems like just yesterday you were this teeny fragile thing. It's amazing to think that this time last year I was huge and miserable and desperate to meet you.

We just celebrated your first halloween. You were not a fan of the costume but you loved watching all the other children come to the door. You love all other "little people" and it is so fun to watch you try to talk to them. You had very little interest in eating the candy but were quite content to toss it everywhere. You had daddy in stitches all night. We're about to celebrate your first Thanksgiving in Nashville with Gran and Turbo and then it will be your birthday! We'll end the year with a trip to DC for Christmas to see Nanny and Chief. You will have been on 6 cross-country flights by then which makes you quite the traveler.

Speaking of travelling, you crawl at warp speed and are on the move constantly these days. You're a pro at going up the stairs (always with mommy behind you) and are crusing all over the place. You haven't taken a step on your own yet, but I'm sure you will soon and I'm in no rush. You're constantly on the move and I love watching you explore. You're babbling tons and trying to repeat what mom says. You wave hi and bye while saying the words, but I don't think you really understand what either one means yet. You're very into shapes, although you only have mastery of getting the circle shapes into the correct holes (you just sneak the others around the slots!) and when you get it right we clap together - if I'm not paying attention, you clap while yelling at me to make sure I see. You have six teeth - SIX! Four on top and still just two little ones on bottom. You've mastered your "pincer grip" and can now pick lint off of carpet fibers, and more importantly, you can feed yourself with grace. You still give me trouble with veggies, but who am I to judge you on that! You love chicken and crackers and cheese and just about anything mom is eating. I'm not sure why, but dad's food never has the same appeal.

We still spend our days doing errands and walking and going to the park. You see your baby friends almost every day of the week and I'm so glad you have other babies to play with. You're all finally starting to interact a little more and play together. I have to add that you're very good at sharing - which you must get from your father - and never complain when someone steals away one of your toys. It's too cold to go to the pool now and I miss our swims together. I also miss our nap times. You still take two or three a day, but it seems like mommy always has too many things to do to indulge with you. I still snuggle you to sleep, curled up with puppy and frogger and wrapped in my bathrobe and sometimes I watch you a little before I steal away to get things done. We get to the gym almost every day as well, and you're everyones favorite boy at the Kids Club. All the other kids call your name when we walk in and you usually have a pretty good time. Sometimes you miss me too much and I get a call to come get you early. I don't mind though, I miss you when were apart so it's kind of nice to get to see you early. We also left you overnight for the first time a few weeks ago. Daddy was the best man at Uncle Josh's wedding so you stayed with Chief and Nanny so mom and dad could have some time alone. It was nice to spend extra time with daddy, but when we woke up in a hotel room without you it seemed like the drive back took forever we missed you so!

So that's your life right now. Just think, the next time I write you a note like this, you'll be ONE!

With all the love in the world,


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