Wednesday, June 11, 2008

For Dash at 8 Months

My Dearest Dash,

I'm trying to keep up with these notes to you, but you boys keep me SO busy!!

You're sleeping through the night almost every night! Yay! Now if you could show your brother Fin how to do that...sigh. No more swaddles for you either - you're too big! You're still growing too fast and it's size three diapers for now. I had to take down your swing this weekend since you're too big for it and you'd rather crawl out of it than swing anyway :)

We're staying busy! We're watching Leila and Zach grow and I can't wait until the three of you are ready to play together. We just got back from your first Vacation - to North Carolina with Mommy's family. You LOVED the beach! Not so much a fan of the sand but put you in any body of water and you're totally relaxed. Speaking of which, we try and get to the pool a few times a week and I just pop you in your raft and you float around happily while I play with Fin. You're even more in your element in the tub and Fin is constantly yelling at you to stop splashing.

You're talking all the time - just mama and dada and other babbles, but it's so cute to hear. You're also quite the giggler lately. And waver too! All I have to do is ask for a wave and you're more than happy to oblige. You're also becoming more mobile by the day. You're crawling short distances (you have to be VERY motivated) and pulling up on anything you can get your hands on. The ability to get around, albeit a little bit, is really making you a much nicer little man. You love to sit and play, surrounded by toys.

You're still taking two naps a day and a few little snoozes (usually in the car). We all lay down for famliy nap time at 10:30 - I'm usually beyond ready by then for a little down time. You only really need an hour, so you and I sneak out and let Fin nap a little more. It's nice to get some alone time with just the two of us. We work on crawling and chatting. Then when Fin gets up you are SO excited to see him! I can't wait to watch the good friends you boys become.

So there you have it Dash, your life today in a nutshell. You're still teething like mad with NO teeth to show yet, and perfecting your speed crawl. Again, I'm asking you to please slow down my little one!

All My Love,

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